Christine Miller

Resourceful Entrepreneur

About Christine Miller

Passionate about human potential, Christine Miller is an entrepreneurial author, poet and results-orientated business and personal growth strategist who inspires and shows people how to create richer, more resourceful, fulfilling and compassionate lives of spirit and heart so that they spend more time doing what they love – and loving what they do.

Christine is renowned for her creative resourcefulness and wisdom, her penetrating analysis, insights and ability to provoke transformational thinking and action for organisations and individual coaching and consulting clients worldwide.

Types of Entrepreneur

Types of Entrepreneur There are probably as many different types of entrepreneurs as there are people, since one of the great joys of being an entrepreneur is the freedom to invent and re-invent yourself and your business to meet your requirements and the needs of the market in which you operate. That’s why agility, flexibility […]

Resourceful Entrepreneur’s Guide

Eagerly awaited, Christine Miller’s latest book, Resourceful Entrepreneur’s Guide to Business in the 21st Century has been published. Resourceful Entrepreneur’s Guide to Business  How to Succeed in Challenging Times  Christine Miller MA FRSA  AVAILABLE HERE – Amazon UK – Amazon USA What people are saying:  “Let this book be part of YOUR journey; a perfect accompaniment […]

Elements of the Resourceful Entrepreneur

Mapping the Resourceful Entrepreneur's Mind At the Resourceful Entrepreneur Experience you will have the opportunity to learn from a Buzan Licensed Master Trainer how to map your own mind for increased creativity, efficiency and effectiveness. You'll learn how to capture your ideas, bring them safely to ground, expand them, explore them, and manage them into […]

Resourceful Entrepreneur

The ReSourceful Entrepreneur Experience Are You a Resourceful Entrepreneur? Would you like to learn more about Priming Your Mind For Success and Fulfillment? Reserve Your Place Here Now for this Powerful Workshop    As a successful entrepreneur, you know you need to be:  versatile, persistent focused You also need to be imaginative, quick witted clear-thinking You […]

What is an Entrepreneur?

What is an Entrepreneur? According to Wikipedia, an entrepreneur is a person who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea and is accountable for the inherent risks and the outcome.[note 1] The term was originally a loanword from French and was first defined by the Irish-French economist Richard Cantillon. Entrepreneur in English is a term applied to a person who is […]

Entrepreneurial Spirit

Entrepreneurial Spirit Are you an entrepreneurial spirit? Are you someone who is restless, imaginative, easily bored, full of life and wants to make a difference in the world? Are you full of ideas, always on the go, but never seem to manage to fix on one thing for long enough to make it bear fruit, […]